Corner Jump

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Normally, Ammy cannot jump out of the water, except when approaching low, flat surfaces, where she will jump automatically. We can force Ammy to auto-jump out of water by swimming into corners while not pressing the jump button. If the corner geometry and Ammy's angle are correct, she will jump. She can then wall jump and air tackle. If she falls back into the water without touching ground, her breath will not be refreshed.

Corners do not have to be acute or sharp to corner jump at them. Which corners can or can't be used is often visually unclear, so it's helpful to check ahead of time.



Corner jumps can be used in many places to get Ammy out of the water without using Water Lily. If geometry permits, it's even possible to perform an Auto Wall Jump out of a corner jump, though this isn't currently used in any category.

Notable uses of corner jump include: