PR Move

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'PR Move' is a method of Agata Bridge Skip discovered by popprocks in September 2021. This trick begins by accessing an out of bounds ledge. You can reach this ledge using a Dboost off the merchant's stall, or by doing a jump off the torii coming down from the mermaid spring. Once you reach the ledge above the merchant, you can perform a long and challenging series of sliding ground tackles, weaving in and out of a jump barrier, to travel across this mountain. It is possible to jump over the pathway below, accessing another out of bounds slope. From that geometry, you can jump over the river. This technique was effectively obsoleted by DR Move, which is easier and of similar speed.

This trick reaches Taka Pass about 1 minute 20 seconds faster than HBS. However, a route with PR move cannot quickly pick up the wooden bear, ExS, or inkfinity stone nearby the grass patch used for HBS. The practical time save would therefore be closer to 1 minute or less, due to picking up slower treasures.

This trick was not implemented in speedruns after its discovery due to the inconsistent nature of the very steep slopes you land on, and as a result of the high difficulty of successive single jump sliding ground tackles inside of a jump barrier.

Detailed trick demonstration and explanation:

Additional successful performances of this trick: and the last clip here

Collision Images