Jump barrier

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Revision as of 21:40, 12 August 2022 by Popprocks (talk | contribs)
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'Jump Barrier' describes an effect attached to some out of bounds terrains in Okami. In areas such as Ryoshima Coast and (healed) Agata Forest, the jump button is disabled when Amaterasu is above an out of bounds slope (see: Toaster Skip and PR Move). This invisible effect of being unable to jump is described as a jump barrier. A jump barrier exists directly above the terrain it is attached to, allowing the player to look at Amaterasu's shadow as a clue whether or not she will be able to jump. If the shadow is on the slope with a jump barrier, she will be unable to jump until the shadow returns to a normal terrain.

In order to travel across terrain with a jump barrier, Amaterasu can use a sliding ground tackle when landing. The momentum of the SGT will slide Amaterasu to slide out of the jump barrier and above normal ground, while retaining the ability to ground jump back to the out-of-bounds terrain. In this way, Amaterasu can still do tricks in areas with jump barriers despite the developer's attempts to restrict this behavior. However, tricks using this strategy are some of the most difficult in the game.