Sun Fragments

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Note: This page describes a unit used in Okami. To learn more about the values representing quantities of these units, see Reverse Engineering.


In Okami, you can obtain Sun Fragments from various sources (mostly treasure chests). When you obtain 3 Sun Fragments, Ammy's maximum Health is increased by 1 Solar Unit. In essence, they function equivalently to Heart Pieces from the Legend of Zelda series.


Internally, Ammy's current count of Sun Fragments is represented as a signed 2 byte int at address main.dll+B2063A, which is part of the table of inventory item quantities. In normal gameplay, this value can only be 0, 1, or 2. If Ammy obtains a Sun Fragment while she already has 2, she will instantly gain a Solar Unit the value is set back to 0. The number of Sun Fragments is displayed in the Inventory subscreen of the Fan Menu in the form of an icon of a Sun Fragment divided into 3 parts.

If the value is set to -1 and you then collect a Sun Fragment, it will be set to 0 and the game will give you the same dialogue as though you'd just collected a 3rd. However, Ammy's max health will not increase.

If the value is set to 3 or greater, the Sun Fragment icon is displayed as complete, something that can't normally be seen. For unknown reasons, higher values can cause minor graphical glitches:

  • >= 147 causes the cursor (for choosing between Tools and Equipment) to be displayed as white instead of green.
  • >= 158 causes the left edge of the Tools scroll icon to be displayed as white instead of green.
  • >= 159 causes the left edge of the Equipment scroll icon to be displayed as white instead of orange.
  • >= 253 causes the Yen count to be displayed as white instead of black.
  • >= 254 causes the Demon Fang count to be displayed as white instead of black.
  • Higher values don't seem to have any additional effect.