Speed Restoration

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Speed Restoration (or Speed Storage, Dash Restore, etc.) is an exploit that allows you to store and restore Ammy's dashing speed through cutscenes and certain loading zones. This is generally done by jumping or tackling into the trigger volume for that loading zone or cutscene, then jumping out without holding forward until you're in the air.

What stores speed

Speed restoration can be performed for almost any cutscene or loading zone which doesn't load a different map/area. For example, entering and leaving most houses preserves stored dash speed, because house interiors are generally stored underneath the exterior map. Loading zones between areas (e.g. going from Kamiki Village to Shinshu Field) reset any stored dash speed Ammy had, preventing you from restoring it.

Some actions and cutscenes will instantly stop Ammy without going through the breaking animation she normally does when she stops dashing. This effectively stores Ammy's dash without the need to jump or tackle into the trigger. These are sometimes called "auto-stops" and include, but are not limited to:

  • Almost all interior loading zones (i.e. you can dash into a house's doorway without jumping, then jump when loading ends to restore dash.)
  • Talking to Princess Fuse to get the Satomi power orbs
  • Talking to the Celestials in the Ark of Yamato going towards the bosses, but not going away from them
  • Feeding animals
  • Issun's text when he sneezes on the collapsing bridge in Tsuta Ruins
  • Issun's text when leaving Rao's building in Sei-an after returning her prayer slips and agreeing to help her.
  • Issun's text when approaching the lava in Himiko's Palace without the Fire Tablet.

Methods of restoration

There are three common methods to restore your speed after you've stored them. These are in short, straight jump, dash jump and jump dash.

Straight jump

For the straight jump simply jump after the loading ends, and hold forward once you're in the air. This method works everywhere and should be used when you don't have much forward space to do the other methods.

Dash jump

With dash jump you input a dash before you jump, adding the momentum of your dash into the jump. You can also start holding forward once your dash has started. Another thing you can do with this method is quick-turning. By holding a direction right as you input your dash you can instantly turn into that direction without losing speed restoration. This takes a bit of practice to time properly and should be avoided in some cases as there are no easy tells to do it succesfully.

Jump dash

Arguably the fastest method of restoration is the jump dash. The way it works is by jumping and after 4 frames doing a dash. This is incredibly hard to time, but with practice makes it look like you're getting speed instantly. Failing the jump dash is fine, as it doesn't really lose time to the dash jump method. However, this method only really works on terrain that is level with or higher than where you're standing. So in some cases this method will not get you the instant speed.


The way speed works in Okami is a little weird, but is useful to explain in case you're getting frustrated trying to do this glitch. When you're running at full speed there are technically two values active, your current running speed and your actual stored speed. By jumping you set your current speed equal to your stored speed. The way your stored speed is manipulated is not just by running for a bit, it can also be set to normal walking speed by bumping into objects and getting stuck for a bit. So when you've bumped into something, jumped to cut a corner and then suddenly don't have speed anymore, this is why.

This also means that a good way to practice the different methods is to simply get speed, jump and land to a standstill, then do the restoration. This also works really well when charging up speed during fights.

Video Resources