Origin Warp

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After voiding out and certain other actions, Amaterasu will be respawned on the last solid surface she stood on. The exact such list of actions is as follows:

  • Voiding Out (i.e. touching a void plane)
  • Drowning in water
  • Falling into poison water
  • Falling into lava without the Fire Tablet equipped
  • Succumbing to a cursed zone
  • Dying and respawning using a full Astral Pouch

The "last solid surface touched" variable will only be updated when Ammy is in a grounded state on a collision polygon which is labelled internally as normal ground. There are various cases where the respawn point won't update, instead retaining its last value:

  • While Ammy is in the air
  • While swimming
  • While in a cursed zone
  • While standing on non-solid collision, such as most slopes, lilypads, and moving objects
  • If Ammy jumps the first possible frame when landing on the ground. This is called a 1-Frame Jump or "1FJ" for short.

When first loading into a new map (e.g. by going through a loading zone, using a mermaid spring, loading a save, etc.), Amaterasu's respawn point is initialized to (0, 0, 0), called the maps "origin point". If she jumps on the first possible frame, the respawn point will remain at the origin. By then, for example, voiding out, without touching the ground, the game will respawn Ammy at the origin. This is known as an Origin Warp or OW. For most maps, the origin is an out-of-bounds location, but in some cases it is a useful location to be warped to.

In many cases, performing an Origin Warp is as easy as jumping into water near where Ammy loads in. In other cases, KT's or 1FJ's may be used to keep Ammy off the ground while traveling to a place where a respawn can be triggered.

In a similar vein to OW, it is possible to jump on the first frame after a loading zone within a map (e.g. from an interior to the outside, or vice versa), which leaves Ammy's respawn point set in or behind the entered loading zone. This can be used to get behind short loading zones in many houses.

Documentation explaining when to jump to set it up correctly (only useful for TAS as of now) https://youtu.be/SnGqj1KZSmM


Origin warp is possible in almost every location, but only a few locations have proven to be useful in runs. These are explained in detail, but a nearly-complete list of all origin points can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11VeokQNVGnWjtICilrUVeSxM6hvfzSDiYu1x-nMfJBA

Gale Shrine Origin Warp

This warp is used in NG+ to warp from the entrance of Gale Shrine to the elevator in order to quickly obtain Galestorm. This is done by first entering Gale Shrine to clear the initial cutscene. Exit, re-enter and jump on the first frame. This can be repeated until the jump is successful. Then KT down the hallway and over the invisible wall to void out. After landing in the elevator, KT up one floor and go toward the balcony. KT over the invisible wall and clip into the bottom of the top platform to obtain Galestorm.

Video tutorial for Gale Shrine origin warp: https://youtu.be/zP8QxOk26E4

It is also possible to perform this warp in NG+ 2017 or even NG by Ground KT'ing or 1FJ'ing, respectively, all the way to the damage barrier behind Yatsu. Before this is done, you must have a full Astral Pouch, clear Susano's and Yatsu's cutscenes, use the barrier to damage Ammy until she has 1 hit remaining. If done properly, Ammy will die and be respawned in the elevator. Performing an Origin Warp in this way can be called an Astral Pouch Origin Warp or APOW.

"Darkstep" found by lEternalDarkness

Hold a direction when entering Gale Shrine If you hear footsteps you didn't get the initial jump If you don't hear footsteps you got the right frame

Oni Island Origin Warp

This warp is used in NG+ to warp from the entrance of Oni Island to the top of the mountain in order to quickly obtain Thunderstorm. This is done by jumping on the first frame after entering Oni Island, and doing one KT to get over the invisible wall. Land in the water and swim at full speed to die quickly. This will warp Amaterasu below the mountain and she will be launched into the air. After reaching max height, KT over to the Gekigami statue and rejuvenate the bow and arrow.

Video of the origin warp being performed: https://youtu.be/_IBHsUUgoqA


Origin Warp originally found by: DriftingPancake - ZLAMP

Discovery of 1 Frame Jumping - Lyriati

Gale Shrine Origin Warp was discovered by Lyriati, and proven to be RTA Viable by Cornchunks.

Astral Pouch Origin Warp was first theorized by Groobo on 23 Jan 2021, and first demonstrated by lEternalDarkness on 26 Jan 2021.